Aerozone Alliance visits Comsat Architects

Aerozone Alliance in Cleveland, Ohio is constructing a dynamic economic platform for Northeast Ohio’s next generation of regional job growth and economic success in growing aerospace sector. Their focus is to capitalize on the unique strength of this district to create regional economic growth by working collaboratively with communities and employers alike. This includes both public and private stakeholders to attract small and medium-sized companies, large multi-national corporations, and entices developing technologies to commercialize near the Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and NASA Glenn Research Center facilities. Our thanks to Hrishue Mahalaha, Executive Director and Mary Schmidt Director of Business Engagement and Directors from TeamNEO for a very productive visit.

We had a great visit with Dr. Kul Bhasin and crew at Comsat Architects in Rocky River Did you know this impressive and innovatived team are discovering ways to enhance communication between earth and space? Comsat is developing concepts and software so the missions can happen. This talented team of software developers, communication engineers/architects, aerospace engineers, business administrators, and more, are working hard to make space exploration continue to move forward.

– Aerozone Alliance

To learn more about Aerozone Alliance visit their website.

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